Improving Productivity and Working Conditions

As independent, organic farmers, it can be hard to keep up with the big corporations. Our farmers are always coming up with more sustainable, creative ways to increase productivity without sacrificing the quality of crops (or their quality of life).

a line of people with new bicycles

Providing Bikes as Transportation

Between gas shortages and high fuel prices, our employees were having trouble getting to work. They came up with the idea to buy a fleet of bicycles for their shared use, making it easier and cheaper to travel.

people in Sri Lanka receiving PPE

Outfitting Tappers with Protective Gear

Tappers often start work before dawn, and are frequently outside in rainy conditions. To keep them safe, warm, and dry, they requested kits of protective boots, headlamps, and raincoats. This gear has already been put into the hands of 350 farmers and 1100 tappers.

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